Top Programming Languages in this post includes all Information  about Top Programming Languages.

While we do not compare any of the Programming Languages, they all are best at their position. But here we are with Data based upon the recent  increase in the numbers of users of the particular Programming Languages.

Different Programming Languages are used in different sectors of the Industry such as in Web, Android Development,Computer Networks etc. Learning these Programming Languages is important for you as a Geek to have your Dream job or own Business.

Some of the Top Programming Languages based upon the recent updates worldwide are as follows:-

  • Java.
  • Python.
  • Java script.
  • C++.
  • C#.
  • C.
  • PHP.
  • Visual Basic.NET.
  • SQL.
  • Ruby.

  • Java:-Java was developed in 1991,is relatively new Programming Language.Java was developed by James Gosling from Sun Micro systems and his team began designing the first version of Java. JAVA stands for Just Another Virtual Accelerator.Java is owned by Oracle,and more than 3 billion users are there of Java.
Java is a General Purpose Programming Language that is class-based,object-oriented.It is also a high level Programming,robust and a secure programming language.

Applications of Java:-
  • Smart card.
  • Web applications such as Oracle.
  • Robotics.
  • Desktop Applications.
  • Game Development.
  • Android Development.
  • Database Connection.
Java can be operated on Windows,Mac,Linux,Raspberry etc.It is a open source Language and free.It is secure,fast and powerful.It is a platform-Independent language.

Java Now days,has become necessary  to get Placement on-campus or either off-campus in an Development based Company.Java  has now become a major Programming language for Graduates to have Career in IT sector.

 Top Computer Programming Languages
  • Python:-Python is a famous Programming Language.It was developed by Guido Van Rossum, and released in 1991.Python is widely used as the general purpose,high-level programming language.Python is both procedural based and as well as object oriented Programming Language.Python usually have smaller programs than other languages such as Java,C++,Ruby etc.
Python language is being used by almost all tech-giants such as Google,Amazon,Microsoft,
Instagram,Uber etc.

Applications of Python:-
  • Machine Learning.
  • GUI Applications.
  • Web Frameworks like Django.
  • Web Scraping.
  • Multimedia.
  • Scientific Computing.
  • Text Processing and many more...
Python has different version as Python 2.0 and Python 3.0.Python is a High level Programming Language.The no. of users of Python are increasing rapidly day by day.Python can lead the tech world in upcoming years.As Java, Python is also a Platform Independent Language which means it does not depend upon the platform on which you can doing it.

 Top Computer Programming Languages

  • Java Script:-Java Script is a high-level Programming language,language of HTML(hypertext markup language)and the Web.While it is well-known as the scripting language for Web pages,many non-browser environments also use it,such as Node.js,Apache CouchDB and Adobe Acrobat.The Standard for Java Script is ECMAScript.
Java Script was designed by Brendan Eich on December 4 ,1995 and developed by an organization Netspace Communications Corporation,Mozilla Foundation.

Applications of Java Script:-

  •  Building Websites.
  •  Server Applications.
  •  For Game Development.
  •  To create HTML and CSS pages.
  •  Building Mobile Apps.
  • In Flying Robots.

Java Script also based upon the Object Oriented Approach.The demand of Java Script is increasing day by day as more and more people are growing Digitally, as they need websites to promote and expand their Business,which comes under the Fundamental of Digital Marketing.

 Top Computer Programming Languages

  • C++:-C++ is a general Purpose Language and widely used now days for competitive Programming.It follows the object Oriented approach.C++ runs on lots of operating Systems like Windows,Mac,Unix,Linux etc.
C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell labs in 1979,to create high-performance Applications.C++ is a middle level Programming language.It is widely used in the Development of the games.

Applications of C++:-
  • Development of Games.
  • GUI based applications.
  • Advance Computations and Graphics.
  • Building Operating Systems.
  • Medical and Engineering.
  • In Compiler as host.
Many of the Tech giants even use C++ in order to do Competitive Programming.C++ have loosen its Craze or ratings from last Decade,as the New languages came into the field.These Languages are  more Faster and Easier than C++ such as Python,Java etc.

 Top Computer Programming Languages

  • C#:-C# is a simple,modern,General-purpose,object-oriented Programming language developed by Microsoft and the .NET initiative was led by Anders Hejlsberg. C# programming is very much based on C and C++ Programming Languages, so if you have good understanding in C and C++ its like a fun to learn.It can be Compiled on different Operating Systems.

Applications of C#:-

  • Developing Desktop Applications,web applications and Web services.
  • Creating Microsoft Applications.
  • Game Development.
There is no problem of memory leak in C# because of its high memory Backup.Cost of Maintenance is less and is safer to run as compared to other Languages.The number of users of C# Language is rapidly increasing.It is Flexible but depend lots on .NET framework.

 Top Computer Programming Languages

  • C:-C is a General Purpose,Procedural Based,Low level Language and Case-sensitive.C was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at  Bell Laboratories.The famous Operating System UNIX  Kernal is even written in C  language.Many of other languages have borrowed syntax from C indirectly or directly such as Java, PHP,Java script etc.

Applications of C:-
  • Design System Software like Operating System and Compiler.
  • Develop mobile games.
  • Develop Databases and Spread Sheets.
C++ is a Super set of C language(There are few programs that may compile in C,but not in C++). C language is Developed from B language.

 Top Computer Programming Languages

  • PHP:-PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor is  a general-purpose Programming Language originally Designed for Web development.It was designed by Rasmus Lerdof and developed by Zend Technologies in 1994.It Access the Cookies variables and Set Cookies.
Applications of PHP:-

  • Access Cookies variable and set Cookies.
  • It can Encrypt Data.
  • Restrict users to do not access some Pages.
  • PHP can handle Forms.

The characteristics of PHP are that it is Simple to learn,Efficient,Secure,Flexible and Familiar. PHP syntax is like C. PHP can perform System Functions, i.e. from files on a system it can create,open,read,write and close them.

 Top Computer Programming Languages

  • Visual Basic.NET:-Visual Basic.NET is a multi-paradigm,object-Oriented Programming Language,Implemented on the .NET Framework.It was Designed and developed by Microsoft Corporation in 2002.We can Operate this language on any platform either it is Windows or Mac.

Applications of Visual Basic.NET:-

  • Windows Applications.
  • Web Applications.
  • Web services.
The components of .Net Framework are CLR, .NET framework class Library,common time system,Windows Forms.

SQL:-SQL was initially developed at IBM by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce after learning about the Relational model from Ted Codd. SQL is a Database computer language designed for the retrieval and management of data in a relational database. SQL stands for Structured Query Language.

Applications of SQL:-
Allows users to Describe the Data.
To create and drop databases and tables.
Allows to access data in Data base Management System.

SQL was basically developed for Database Management System. As more and more people growing digitally so they require to manage their data,where SQL helps them in this Problem.

 Top Computer Programming Languages

  • Ruby:-Ruby is an Interpreted, high level, general-Purpose programming language.It was Designed and Developed by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan in mid-1990s. Ruby can we run on variety of platforms such as Windows ,Mac,UNIX,Linux etc.It is a open source and Freely available on Web, but it is subject to a license.

Applications of Ruby:-

  • Web Applications.
  • Web Servers.
  • Database Work.
  • Biology and Medicine.

Ruby is implemented from C Programming Language.It is purely Object Oriented Programming Language.The demand of Ruby is increasing in the field of Web development and Web servers.

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 Top Computer Programming Languages
