
Showing posts from November, 2019

Top Programming Languages

Image  in this post includes all Information  about Top Programming Languages. While we do not compare any of the Programming Languages , they all are best at their position. But here we are with Data based upon the recent  increase in the numbers of users of the particular Programming Languages. Different Programming Languages are used in different sectors of the Industry such as in Web, Android Development,Computer Networks etc. Learning these Programming Languages is important for you as a Geek to have your Dream job or own Business. Some of the Top Programming Languages based upon the recent updates worldwide are as follows:- Java. Python. Java script. C++. C#. C. PHP. Visual Basic.NET. SQL. Ruby. Java:- Java was developed in 1991,is relatively new Programming Language.Java was developed by James Gosling from Sun Micro systems and his team began designing the first version of Java. JAVA stands for Just Another Virtu...